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Facial paralysis / facial nerve palsy (severe)


Facial paralysis/facial nerve palsy (severe)

Ms. C, 47 years old. Patient No.: CL493454. Date of consultation: 2021-08-03

Day 9 of left paralysis. No improvement after 1 week of physical therapy and steroids.

Examination: The disease level is 4-5. (Level 1 is the lightest, and Level 6 is the most serious) The left eye is tired and double vision. The left eye cannot be completely closed. The left cheek cannot move at all. The left nasolabial groove disappears. The left forehead and left eyebrow cannot move. Pain behind the left ear, shoulder pain, and neck pain. Cannot inflate the mouth.

In the past, he often suffered from dizziness, blurred vision, neck pain, poor sleep, anemia, and depression.

Treatment: Acupuncture for 30 minutes, Chinese medicine for 3 days

3 times a week.

20201-09-21 17th follow-up, recovered.

Analysis: This patient also had anemia, insomnia, and cervical spine problems, which slowed down the recovery process. There was still no sign of improvement 9 days after the onset of the disease, and even in the first 2 weeks of treatment, there was still no improvement on the face. But according to past experience, for patients with facial paralysis, the pain in the Yifeng point did not improve, which means that the facial nerve inflammation has not subsided. In this case, the pain in the Yifeng point did not subside after the onset of the disease, and it was extended to the neck. Therefore, after the second acupuncture, neck pain treatment was added, that is, prone position, acupuncture of the neck and shoulders, and cupping (moving cupping). After several times, the neck pain improved, the dizziness and insomnia improved, and the pain in the Yifeng point stopped. It proves that the nerve inflammation has stopped, and then it is the recovery period.

Until the tenth treatment, on August 23, I felt that my forehead muscles were stronger and my left nose began to contract. The depressor labii inferioris muscles of my chin were obviously stronger. However, my nasal muscles and the greater/minor muscles of my cheekbones were still weak. Therefore, the treatment strengthened the stimulation of the weaker muscles.

By September 21, all muscles were basically healed.


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